From the Author's Foreward

       The present volume of the Library of Musicology series hosts the publication of my Doctoral thesis with the title Development and Experimental Implementation of a Model of Teaching the History of Music in Secondary Education (submitted to the School of Music, Faculty of Fine Arts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2002). First of all, I would like to deeply thank professor Demetre Yannou for the honour to include my Doctoral thesis in the above mentioned series, giving in this way the opportunity -through this publication- for the results of my research as well as the detailed research procedure to reach a wider reading public.

       The text in the present publication is the original text from the Doctoral thesis, except some minor updates (e.g. updates of internet addresses that no longer exist). Also some tables containing details for the content of the cassette (or audio CD) and videotape (or DVD) of the teaching material were added in the end of Appendix A, since Appendix B (student textbook, teacher textbook, transparencies, cassette or audio CD and videotape or DVD) is not included in the present publication.

       The research that took place within the framework of my Doctoral thesis was designed and implemented during 2000-2002, taking under consideration the educational reality of the time. Even today that the new Cross Thematic Curriculum Framework is in place and as the new music books for secondary education are soon expected to be published, the teaching material and the model of teaching that were created and used during the research are still useful and can be exploited since history of music is included in the new curriculum, through a cross thematic prism. The use of elements of both the teaching material and the model of teaching can lead to explore further ways of teaching music history, as well as open the door to future research.

       The teaching material that was used in the research was presented in a paper of mine with the title Teaching history of music in secondary education at a one day conference organized by the Committee of Secondary Education of the Greek Society for Music Education (GSME) at Macedonia University in Thessaloniki on the 24th of April 2004.

       The research results were first presented in English in my paper with the title of the Doctoral thesis at the 26th International Conference of the International Society for Music Education (ISME), at Tenerife in July 2004, and the paper was published at the conference CDRom proceedings. This same paper, was translated in Spanish and was published under the title Desarrollo e implementacion experimental de un modelo para la ensenanza de historia de la musica en la Educacion Secundaria, at the scientific journal Boletin de Investigacion Åducativo Ìusical (issue 34, April 2005, pp. 5-13). Finally the results of the study were presented to the Greek music education community in 2006, through a paper at the Musical Pedagogics journal (issue 3, pp. 5-19) published by GSME. It has to be noted that the extended summary included in the present publication is more detailed than the paper presented in English at ISME 2004.... 

Polyvios Androutsos
Thessaloniki, November 2008


Doctoral Dissertation Publication

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Polyvios Androutsos
Development and Experimental Implementation of a Model of Teaching the History of Music in Secondary Education

Library of Musicology Series
Editor: prof. Demetre Yannou

ISBN : 978-960-12-1741-3

University Studio Press
To see the abstract click here

Dr Polyvios Androutsos
GSME Honorary President
Member, ISME Board of Directors

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